Sophia Chatziriga was born in Greece, March 1st 1991. Growing up she had many artistic inclinations such as drawing, crafting, making doll clothes, etc, but in her early days she hadn't yet shown any actual skill in performance.

As she had a difficult body she didn't stick with ballet as most girls her age did, but found the motivation to follow it during her teenage years and throughout her young adult years. Starting with jazz dance, she soon took interest in the real thing, which was classical ballet, and to a more intensive physical training containing barre a terre, pilates, and other stretching and strengthening classes. On the way she also started latin - ballroom dance classes and took part in various low budget video clips.

Her great love, though, had always been music. Travelling from pop music during her childhood years, to classic rock and folk music throughout her teenage years and all the way to opera and classical music during her adult life, she ended up training for opera with no initial intention to do so. Aspiring to be an acoustic artistic she met all the right people to make her change direction completely...

Sophia also has a BA in English Language and Literature by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Diploma in Drama & Theater Studies by the University of Kent. She has native - like fluency in English and she has been teaching the language to children and adults during the past five years in order to support her artistic training.

Besides having a very good grasp of the English language, Sophia's also said to be a gifted writer: She has been providing dating advice through her articles on since Jan 2015 and many readers didn't miss a chance to express admiration and gratitude, even, for her writing and her way of understanding relationships and the human psyche. She's currently running her own website, dealing with an even greater variety of topics.

...whatever new's on the way is looking to future...

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